Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Going to the potty.

"The BBC documentary 'The Power of Nightmares' examines how politicians have used our fears to increase their power and control over society. It looks at the American neo-conservative movement and its depiction of the threat first from the Soviet Union and then from radical Islamists."
http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/programmes/ 4016713.stm

I hope they put it out on DVD because I'd like to see it.

The BBC documentary says Al-Qaeda never existed.

One alternative news source jumped all over the revelation with this comment:

"You have heard before that "Al-Qaeda" roughly translates into "the base," but were you aware that "Ana raicha Al Qaeda" is arabic colloquial for "I'm going to the toilet"?
Would hardened terrorists hell bent on the destruction of the west name their organization after a euphemism for taking a shit?"
http://www.propagan damatrix. com/articles/ october2006/ 061006alqaedacra p.htm

I didn't believe in Al-Qaeda from the git go. It sounded far to much like something dreamed up for a James Bond movie. In fact, I almost cringed in embarrassment for the news reader every time I heard the name mentioned on the telly. If a politician used it, I instantly knew that he was a phony. Either that or he was stupid.

I'm no longer a conspiracy buff. There's a time for every season, and my conspiracy season has passed and gone. It served its purpose. I emerged out of ignorance by false means, but even so, I still managed to emerge out of ignorance, and I became aware of some things that I wouldn't have become aware of if I hadn't searched for the truth behind the so called truth. As such, I take the link above with a grain of salt. And I wouldn't vouch for the fact that "Ana raicha Al Qaeda" is arabic colloquial for "I'm going to the toilet" either.

I'm still quite certain that the name Al-Qaeda was dreamed up, but I'm not at all sure that we are all going to crap.

Politicians have used our fears to increase their powers and to gain control over society since the beginning of recorded time. The left wing do it, and the right wing does it. And the way I see it is that maybe we are not going to crap, but, instead, we could well be, finally, emerging out of it.

Judging by the responce to the Swine flu scare, maybe I'm not the only one that has emerged out of ignorance, and maybe, just maybe, the age of ignorance, as a whole, is coming to an end.

We are in a time of great change. The act of communicating has took a quantum leap, and they can't get away with the same old bullshit any more. Maybe we have grown up a wee bit, and tales of the bogey man no longer scare us. Maybe, metaphorically speaking, we have begun to question the reality of Santa and the tooth fairy.

And it could well be that instead of going to the potty, we are, actually, just getting off it.


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