Wednesday, October 15, 2008


So the Dow went down today by 733 points after climbing by over 900 points on Monday. But don't worry, the Plunge Protection Team will soon be back in action; and it's fair to say that if not for the intervention of the government the stock market would have crashed by now. It's also fair to say that Anglo/American capitalism would also have crashed by now. And why would the financial system have collapsed? At the risk of sounding like the Church Lady: I say it would have collapsed because of lies. The whole thing was based on faith and trust, and they blew it by lying. The “Free Market” is now being openly manipulated by the government, and as such it is being saved by a contrived scheme that goes against it's basic concept of let it be. The concept of a free market was always an illusion anyway.

The truth is that might is always right, and the truth is that the vast majority of us have the free market stuck right up our arses; and while it sets a very small minority free to enjoy the good things in life, it enslaves the majority of us to a life of silent desperation. While prices go up our wages remain the same or even go down. Good paying jobs are exported to communist China where the peasants are better controlled and work for a pittance. As a result the only way we can afford to buy the goods is to get good credit, and big brother is watching our every move. The credit score is an invasion of privacy that totally contradicts the boast that we live in a free society.

And how can a financial system hope to survive if the cost of goods far surpasses the real income of the people? The only way we can buy things, and still provide a home and put food in the mouths of our children, is to employ credit. Credit has it's costs, and our real wages decline even more. The whole system depends entirely on credit. And I'm very sure that Adam Smith did not have this kind of capitalism in mind. His version of capitalism was that a need would find a provider, and we should let it be. A fair price would be set, and the deal would be done. The provider would make a fair profit, the needer would have his goods, and everyone would be happy. He lived in a time when people only bought what they could afford. As such the price was set accordingly. Can you imagine how much a house or a car would cost these days if there was no such a thing as credit?

As the old song goes: “Sixteen tons and what do you get, another day older and deeper in debt, Saint Peter don't you call me because I can't go – I owe my soul to the company store.”

Lies, lies, and more lies. It's an illusion backed up by more illusion. The canny investor that bets that the market will drop is confounded by the Plunge Protection Team; and like W.B Yeates predicted in The Second Coming: "Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world", and now that the falconer is losing control of the falcon, I say good bloody riddance!

Here's some background on the Plunge Protection Team. Watch the American Stock Market; take into account the fear, and judge for yourself why a big drop suddenly turns into a small gain. And as for a 900 point rise in these uncertain way.

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