An expert in genetics said recently that Africans are not as intelligent as whites. He's since recanted his position saying he was misunderstood. I hope that this is the case because if not he obviously forgot where we got mathematics, chess, and the number zero.
I can assume that the "expert" is a very intelligent man, and it's not very intelligent to call a whole race of people unintelligent. It causes me to think how the expert would have turned out if he had been born black, in a mud hut, in a remote part of Zimbabwe. No doubt his superior intelligence would have enabled him to make better hunting spears, but would he have reached the privileged position that he now enjoys?
By what standard can we judge the intelligence of a whole race of people? Is it fair to assume that wisdom is a big part of intelligence? According to all the religions, wisdom and virtue are one and the same. Can we assume that an African living in a mud hut is less virtuous than a Rhodes Scholar from Manhattan? Is it wise to criticize a culture that has evolved along different lines than us because they don't drop everything and do things our way?
Surely intelligence is relative. People are all the same, but every one of us is different.
By our way of thinking the Jews show more intelligence than any race on Earth, but would you like to be living in Israel right now? The Germans are very intelligent too, but they lost two world wars and almost got bombed back into the stone age. The same IQ tests that show sub Saharan Africans to be less intelligent than white men also shows that Asians are brighter than we are. Judging by the way China is taking us all for a ride, and by the way the Japanese make cars, I'm inclined to think there may be some truth in it. But intelligence is a tricky thing to measure. Who among us does not feel more intelligent after a few pints of our favorite brew? But are we really more intelligent, or are we simply more deluded?
Does confidence inspire intelligence? If so, where does confidence come from? Does confidence come from starting a hundred yard dash at the ten yard line?
Let's face it, might is right, and the most intelligent people on Earth are obviously the Anglo - Saxon - Celtic mix that evolved on the British Isles. Amongst other things we conquered the North American Continent. In between fighting amongst ourselves we managed to eradicate the native population and import African slaves to do the dirty work. The anglo -saxon - celtic mix has changed the world. As a result the concept of intelligence, according to us, means to be like us.
Maybe the Africans don't want to be like us. Maybe they have evolved a different kind of intelligence. Maybe the Sub Saharan Africans had no desire to invent the wheel. The effect of not having wheeled things and forcing animals to pull them around is certainly showing in the world of sport. Jesse Jackson says that when given an even playing field the blacks can show their worth. Who can doubt that the African Americans have superior athletic skills? On the other hand who can doubt that in general American blacks show inferior skills on the white mans IQ tests? Maybe it's because they have no interest in the white mans version of intelligence. But does this indicate a lower intelligence? I don't think so.
In his book, "How the Mind Works" Steven Pinter writes “…Intelligence, then, is the ability to attain goals in the face of obstacles by means of decisions based on rational (truth-obeying) rules. The computer scientists Allen Newell and Herman Simon fleshed this idea out further by noting that intelligence consists of specifying a goal, assessing the current situation to see how it differs from the goal, and applying a set of operations that reduce the difference."
Perhaps reassuringly, by this definition all human beings, not just the white skinned ones, are intelligent. We have ‘desires’ and we pursue them using ‘beliefs‘, which when all goes well, are at least approximately or probabilistically true.
Steven Pinter was writing about artificial intelligence. He described how difficult it is for scientists to create artificial intelligence in robots. He was also building a case for evolutionary psychology where it’s thought that the mind works like the body. He writes If the body has multiple organs that are all dedicated to one particular task then it is not inconceivable to think that the mind could work in the same way. Just like the body, the mind has evolved through the ages by adapting to challenges in the environment; and like the body, the mind has responded by creating different ’parts’ to deal with specific tasks.
He says that throughout the ages we have always been striving to reach the ‘goal’ of survival by making decisions based on what we believed to be true. And yet, almost all of our beliefs were wrong. We’ve survived by believing the Sun revolved around a flat earth. We’ve also survived Gods named Apollo and Zeus, and we’ve survived many myths. In fact, we’ve got here, to this day and age, by believing many false truths. Winston Churchill believed himself to be “Not a common man“, yet he is on record as saying that in fifty years we will no longer grow the chicken, we will only grow the edible thighs and breast. Yer right, but to be fair he was probably drunk when he said it.
Some researchers define intelligence as what is measured in intelligence tests, but others argue that this definition is inadequate and that intelligence is whatever abilities are valued by ones culture. Conceptions of intelligence vary from culture to culture. North Americans associate verbal and mathematical skills with intelligence, but some seafaring cultures in the islands of the South Pacific view spatial memory and navigational skills as markers for intelligence.
If our minds and bodies have evolved different parts to deal with different tasks, then surely the planet Earth, in the name of survival, has evolved different kinds of people. Just as the kidney must get along with the heart, so to must we learn to get along with other kinds of people. It is not very intelligent to disregard anyone.
If Al Gore is correct about CO2 and global warming, and I have my doubts about his intelligence, the Earth could soon become un-inhabitable for the human race. If his warnings come true then at least the Sub Saharan Africans will have the last laugh.
"Don't blame us!" One of them will say. "It was you lazy white folk that wanted to be pulled around on wheels, not us."
The last words, spoken by a stark naked and very sweaty Eskimo might be: "Those white blowhards were as dumb as a box of rocks."
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Drugged Candy.
Judging by the way 12 to 20 million Mexicans have entered the USA illegally, without even saying kiss my arse, never mind please; then after taking full advantage of our hospital emergency rooms for free medical treatment, as well as accepting a free education for their children without even a hint of a thank you, I was thinking that the bad mannered Americans that Steve got pissed off about were just honoring the old saying about when in Rome do as the Romans do. Just like it's bad manners to offer a tip to a taxi driver in Australia, I thought that maybe it's bad manners to say please and thank you in Mexico. I entered 'Manners in Mexico' into a web search and got this article.
Oh my, was I wrong. The Mexicans are more into manners than we ever were or ever will be.
It's all about giving and receiving respect for the wet backs, oops, sorry, for the Mexicans. Judging by the way the Americans act in Mexico, according to a friend of mine, it's no wonder the Mexicans don't say please or thank you after they've slipped into the USA. Ignorant peasants that they are, they probably think they are doing the "When in Rome do as the Romans do" thing. As such, after reading the article on Manners in Mexico, and after a few moments of shallow thought, I decided to change my mind about the whole situation, and I am now in favor of allowing the illegal Mexicans to stay here.
I'm not surprised at all. I change my mind all the time. From the way I see it this world is a web of illusion and deceit. Nothing is what it appears to be. In Politics, Hegemony is the name of the game. Those in the ruling class, or the in group, are hell bent on deceiving those that they want to rule. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, and it makes no difference what class the ruling class is. The end result is always lies and deceit resulting in Illusion and delusion for everyone. The ruling elite these days are the corporate giants. It's not hard to find the answer to the question of why Political Correctness preceded this move to allow 12 to 20 million desperate and ignorant hard working peasants into this land of the free. (Free my arse.) Then there's the illusion that we are separate. We are individuals. We are a one off. We all live under the illusion that we are living a life alone. We are living inside our heads observing the outside world. We are subjective, it is objective. We are what life is about. Life is the object that disturbs and scares us. We cling to our independence. We see the world as being outside of us. But we readily admit to being part of a family. We can admit to being a part of society or part of a culture. We shrug our shoulders and say I suppose so when asked if we are part of the human race. But when asked if we are part of the Earth we begin to have our doubts. As for being a part of the Universe...say no more. But I say, if you look at a star on clear night, with the moon doing its job of giving some focus, you should say: "I am that star."
The ruling class is good at spinning webs, but it doesn't hold a candle to our own deceptions. We don't need them to tell us how to spin webs. We spin our own webs for many reasons, but the main reason for our web spinning is fear. Personal enlightenment cannot be achieved until we recognize and then deal with our fear of the bogey man. In mythology one could say the bogey man is the Dragon that St. George slay ed. But I don't believe in killing. My advice is to look at the daft bastard, ridicule him for the clown that he is, and then tell him to fuck off. He'll still come back, like, but after a while he hasn't got the power to scare you anymore.
I'm not surprised at my change of opinion in regard to the Mexicans. A bird flapps his wings in the Jungles of Brazil, it is eaten bya bigger bird, and I changed my mind. Things like that happen all the time.
I went to the store tonight for some beer, and while there I met a family of illegal Mexicans with a new born baby in tow. The baby smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back. I communicated with them with my simple Spanish, they smiled and talked back to me in simple English. Much laughter ensued as we tried to converse. The Mexican man gave me some Mexican candy as a gesture of good will.
Hmmm, what the hell was in that candy?
Oh my, was I wrong. The Mexicans are more into manners than we ever were or ever will be.
It's all about giving and receiving respect for the wet backs, oops, sorry, for the Mexicans. Judging by the way the Americans act in Mexico, according to a friend of mine, it's no wonder the Mexicans don't say please or thank you after they've slipped into the USA. Ignorant peasants that they are, they probably think they are doing the "When in Rome do as the Romans do" thing. As such, after reading the article on Manners in Mexico, and after a few moments of shallow thought, I decided to change my mind about the whole situation, and I am now in favor of allowing the illegal Mexicans to stay here.
I'm not surprised at all. I change my mind all the time. From the way I see it this world is a web of illusion and deceit. Nothing is what it appears to be. In Politics, Hegemony is the name of the game. Those in the ruling class, or the in group, are hell bent on deceiving those that they want to rule. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, and it makes no difference what class the ruling class is. The end result is always lies and deceit resulting in Illusion and delusion for everyone. The ruling elite these days are the corporate giants. It's not hard to find the answer to the question of why Political Correctness preceded this move to allow 12 to 20 million desperate and ignorant hard working peasants into this land of the free. (Free my arse.) Then there's the illusion that we are separate. We are individuals. We are a one off. We all live under the illusion that we are living a life alone. We are living inside our heads observing the outside world. We are subjective, it is objective. We are what life is about. Life is the object that disturbs and scares us. We cling to our independence. We see the world as being outside of us. But we readily admit to being part of a family. We can admit to being a part of society or part of a culture. We shrug our shoulders and say I suppose so when asked if we are part of the human race. But when asked if we are part of the Earth we begin to have our doubts. As for being a part of the Universe...say no more. But I say, if you look at a star on clear night, with the moon doing its job of giving some focus, you should say: "I am that star."
The ruling class is good at spinning webs, but it doesn't hold a candle to our own deceptions. We don't need them to tell us how to spin webs. We spin our own webs for many reasons, but the main reason for our web spinning is fear. Personal enlightenment cannot be achieved until we recognize and then deal with our fear of the bogey man. In mythology one could say the bogey man is the Dragon that St. George slay ed. But I don't believe in killing. My advice is to look at the daft bastard, ridicule him for the clown that he is, and then tell him to fuck off. He'll still come back, like, but after a while he hasn't got the power to scare you anymore.
I'm not surprised at my change of opinion in regard to the Mexicans. A bird flapps his wings in the Jungles of Brazil, it is eaten bya bigger bird, and I changed my mind. Things like that happen all the time.
I went to the store tonight for some beer, and while there I met a family of illegal Mexicans with a new born baby in tow. The baby smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back. I communicated with them with my simple Spanish, they smiled and talked back to me in simple English. Much laughter ensued as we tried to converse. The Mexican man gave me some Mexican candy as a gesture of good will.
Hmmm, what the hell was in that candy?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
The whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.
The truth is the truth. It cannot be anything but the truth. The truth is whole, solid, unchanging, and real, but the truth is optional.
Many people think they can choose a truth. They think believing a thing to be true makes it so. But there can only be one truth. Obviously something is wrong, and the concept of truth would have been discarded as an imposter long ago if it needed belief to back it up. You know the truth when it hits you, and belief has nothing to do with it.
Politicians manipulate and warp the truth. They know that truth has many sides to it. If you look at the truth from one angle it looks one way, but if looked at from another angle it looks completely different. Politicians know from first hand experience that people are basically selfish, and they know that most people only want to see the side of truth that favors themselves. It's the politicians job to choose what is best for the people. More often than not the truth that the politicians see isn't what the people want to see. But it's the politicians job to influence the people toward the side of the truth that is most beneficial for the people that they govern. Once an angle of truth is selected, fiction is brought in so as to make a point, and outright lies soon follow. Adolph Hitler showed how easy it is to manipulate the masses by warping the truth. Winston Churchill did a very eloquent job of arousing a reluctant Britain to fight a second World War, and George W. Bush has simplified the process enormously by refining the formula to six small words: "They are bad. We are good."
Any fool can make it complicated, but it takes genius to make it simple.
The politicians in America want to grant amnesty to twelve million illegal immigrants. They can probably see that the Capitalist system in the USA needs the influx of cheap labor, and they are correct. But they are doing a bad job of convincing the people. It's obvious to everyone that the borders were left open, and that the law was relaxed so as to allow the illegals to work in the USA. They let it go on until they had enough "Immigrants", and then they said that it was time to do something about it. But they added that there was nothing they could do about it but to legalize the illegal immigrants.
Most of the people in the USA are outraged at the concept of allowing law breakers to get off scot free. Despite what you've probably heard, most of America is a brain washed and very law abiding society. They have no trouble with the fact that people are locked up for six months for a crime that wouldn't even warrant a slap on the wrist in Birkenhead. They wouldn't even care if the jailor threw away the key. They live by the law of the land, and they expect others to share the same burden. The idea of breaking the law does not sit well with the yeomen of America that can't even cut down a tree in their own backyard without asking for permission. They are outraged by the fact that people can enter the country illegally, use another persons social security number, and then be granted citizenship.
The politicians have done a bad job of convincing people about the truth of the matter. They underestimated the intelligence of the American people. The politicians knew the truth, but they decided to lie from the start. One lie led to another, and now the lie is obvious. Politicians are not what they used to be. The people are not what they used to be. The industrial age has gone, and we are on the cusp of the information age. The wholeness of truth is becoming clearer, and even the docile ones are tired of taking it up the arse, and are reluctantly raising their head out of the sand
The Congressmen and Senators should have took a few lessons from the Master. But then again, maybe not. He would probably have said "They are good and we are bad." Which is pretty much what he is saying anyhow.
So what's it going to be: Are we good and they are bad, or are they good and we are bad? Do family values stop at the border. Is the law the law, or is it just a guide book with suggestions on how to behave?
Just what is the truth of the matter?
Is it true that a vast army of Mexicans have already invaded our land? Have they already took over every bedroom in every hotel, took over the kitchens, took over the slaughter houses, the meat packing plants, even the farmlands? Are they trampling all over our lawns making loud roaring noises?
Congress and the President have surrendered: "What can we do against and army of over 12 million people?" They say.
If might is right the American people are refusing to believe it. From sea to shining sea they are rising as one. The Scots Irish in Appalachia have declared "No Surrender." And all across this great land one can hear the once suppressed and politically incorrect cry of "Remember the Alamo."
The Mexicans say this land is their land. The American people reject the Mexican angle of the truth. They reply to the Mexicans: "This is our land and you are trespassing."
There can only be one truth. Which truth is truly the truth, and which one is an imposter?
I have no doubt that the truth shall prevail.
Your man in America:
Waltre De Hix
Many people think they can choose a truth. They think believing a thing to be true makes it so. But there can only be one truth. Obviously something is wrong, and the concept of truth would have been discarded as an imposter long ago if it needed belief to back it up. You know the truth when it hits you, and belief has nothing to do with it.
Politicians manipulate and warp the truth. They know that truth has many sides to it. If you look at the truth from one angle it looks one way, but if looked at from another angle it looks completely different. Politicians know from first hand experience that people are basically selfish, and they know that most people only want to see the side of truth that favors themselves. It's the politicians job to choose what is best for the people. More often than not the truth that the politicians see isn't what the people want to see. But it's the politicians job to influence the people toward the side of the truth that is most beneficial for the people that they govern. Once an angle of truth is selected, fiction is brought in so as to make a point, and outright lies soon follow. Adolph Hitler showed how easy it is to manipulate the masses by warping the truth. Winston Churchill did a very eloquent job of arousing a reluctant Britain to fight a second World War, and George W. Bush has simplified the process enormously by refining the formula to six small words: "They are bad. We are good."
Any fool can make it complicated, but it takes genius to make it simple.
The politicians in America want to grant amnesty to twelve million illegal immigrants. They can probably see that the Capitalist system in the USA needs the influx of cheap labor, and they are correct. But they are doing a bad job of convincing the people. It's obvious to everyone that the borders were left open, and that the law was relaxed so as to allow the illegals to work in the USA. They let it go on until they had enough "Immigrants", and then they said that it was time to do something about it. But they added that there was nothing they could do about it but to legalize the illegal immigrants.
Most of the people in the USA are outraged at the concept of allowing law breakers to get off scot free. Despite what you've probably heard, most of America is a brain washed and very law abiding society. They have no trouble with the fact that people are locked up for six months for a crime that wouldn't even warrant a slap on the wrist in Birkenhead. They wouldn't even care if the jailor threw away the key. They live by the law of the land, and they expect others to share the same burden. The idea of breaking the law does not sit well with the yeomen of America that can't even cut down a tree in their own backyard without asking for permission. They are outraged by the fact that people can enter the country illegally, use another persons social security number, and then be granted citizenship.
The politicians have done a bad job of convincing people about the truth of the matter. They underestimated the intelligence of the American people. The politicians knew the truth, but they decided to lie from the start. One lie led to another, and now the lie is obvious. Politicians are not what they used to be. The people are not what they used to be. The industrial age has gone, and we are on the cusp of the information age. The wholeness of truth is becoming clearer, and even the docile ones are tired of taking it up the arse, and are reluctantly raising their head out of the sand
The Congressmen and Senators should have took a few lessons from the Master. But then again, maybe not. He would probably have said "They are good and we are bad." Which is pretty much what he is saying anyhow.
So what's it going to be: Are we good and they are bad, or are they good and we are bad? Do family values stop at the border. Is the law the law, or is it just a guide book with suggestions on how to behave?
Just what is the truth of the matter?
Is it true that a vast army of Mexicans have already invaded our land? Have they already took over every bedroom in every hotel, took over the kitchens, took over the slaughter houses, the meat packing plants, even the farmlands? Are they trampling all over our lawns making loud roaring noises?
Congress and the President have surrendered: "What can we do against and army of over 12 million people?" They say.
If might is right the American people are refusing to believe it. From sea to shining sea they are rising as one. The Scots Irish in Appalachia have declared "No Surrender." And all across this great land one can hear the once suppressed and politically incorrect cry of "Remember the Alamo."
The Mexicans say this land is their land. The American people reject the Mexican angle of the truth. They reply to the Mexicans: "This is our land and you are trespassing."
There can only be one truth. Which truth is truly the truth, and which one is an imposter?
I have no doubt that the truth shall prevail.
Your man in America:
Waltre De Hix
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